Chiyi Tam loves being Sustainability Coordinator, because she gets to work with an awesome team at the AMS. Constantly looking out for ideas to make the AMS a better contributor to sustainability on campus, she will go to the ends of the earth (in administrative senses) to ensure a student project gets the support it needs to make it work. Chiyi Tam represents the voice of students concerned about sustainability in various UBC committees. Her role also includes overseeing the sustainability features of the AMS Student Nest (a.k.a. The NewSUB project); overseeing the implementation of the AMS Lighter Footprint Strategy and everything else that comes through the door. Chiyi Tam is also the chair of the AMS Sustainability Projects Fund.
Contact Chiyi Tam about anything remotely related to AMS Sustainability at
[email protected]
/ 778-847-1491 / Office Hours: by appointment
Drop by to discuss your ideas anytime at our office. We are located on the third floor of the Student Nest in office 3125!